Arnold Schwarzenegger, expanding himself as an actor, portrays a devoted father of a frizzy-permed moppet, tickles her ribs, treats her to ice cream, teaches her karate, allows her to hand-feed a wild fawn, takes her fishing and swimming. But not to worry. This oogum-snoogum stuff doesn't go much past the credits, when the girl is kidnapped (never mind why) by Latin American counter-revolutionaries, and Col. John Matrix (ret.) has to go back into action. His escape from an airplane during takeoff, without aborting same, is a worthwhile scene -- something slightly new. But none other is, although the final assault on an island stronghold off the California coast suggests a profitable sort of DC Comics Battle-of-the-Titans: Matrix vs. Rambo. Or, since that doesn't promise the requisite body count, better make it Matrix and Rambo vs. The Third World. Directed by Mark L. Lester. (1985) — Duncan Shepherd
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