Is not life in women's prison much like life all over these United States? Corruption in high places, capitalistic back-stabbing and throat-cutting, racial strife, mob riots, drugs, pornography, prostitution, sexual harassment, lesbian rape, heterosexual rape, sadism, murder and mayhem, an obscenity every couple of words (or a couple of obscenities in only one word: "Bull-fucking-shit"), and, as always, the hope for improvement. The casting, within the strict guidelines of B-movie campiness and a large quota of oversized bosoms, is quite thoughtful: Linda Blair, Sybil Danning, Tamara Dobson, Nita Talbot, Edy Williams, Henry Silva, John Vernon, Michael Callan. Biggest dividends, though, are paid by Stella Stevens in the role of the starchy chief of security: "All right! One more peep out of you, and you'll all go to solitary!" Directed by Paul Nicholas. (1983) — Duncan Shepherd
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