A forlorn author of fanboy novels (Justin Long) finds his muse in divine barista Evan Rachel Wood. Hours spent researching her Facebook “likes” help Long transition into the perfect catch. Attention must finally be paid to such a person, and a frail ego forces him to rethink positioning her as the center of the couples’ universe. The laughs and observational humor come at a steady clip throughout the courtship process, but the couple’s inevitable falling out, and the resulting happy ending it leads to, ring false. Director Kat Coiro does her best to keep the romance fresh, but it’s impossible, as written, to conceive of an insecure schlep like the one Long embodies turning on the paradisiacal EVR. Long, who, along with his brother, co-wrote and produced, invited a few high-powered pals (Sienna Miller, Vince Vaughn, Peter Dinklage, Sam Rockwell, Brendan Fraser) to stop in for a day’s work. (2013) — Scott Marks
This movie is not currently in theaters.