Not Michael Bay’s latest Transformers installment, but Swedish documentarian Fredrik Gertten’s heartfelt plea for drivers to share the road with cyclists — or, better yet, do away with oil-burning autos altogether. From São Paulo and Toronto to Los Angeles and the ultimate bicycle-friendly city, Copenhagen, Gertten takes us to the most traffic-plagued spots on Earth and offers up solutions to the problems he depicts, many of which are fanciful, to say the least. Using Carmageddon ’12 as a dramatic example of Angelinos eager to surrender their steering wheels is as silly as it is narratively anticlimactic. Tastefully photographed, and not without an occasional nicety — a Danish cabbie’s take on cyclists as pedaling, self-entitled roadhogs is sublime — Gertten’s arguments, as presented, are not enough to justify a 90-minute running time. — Scott Marks
This movie is not currently in theaters.