One of the most modest in scale of Ian Fleming's James Bond books (no sexual conquests, not a foot set out of England) is buried deep, deep beneath unmotivated bed-hopping and globe-hopping from Mother England to California, to Venice, to Rio, and ultimately to outer space. The production values remain …
Most of the important members of the American Graffiti gang, excluding Richard Dreyfuss, are reassembled and then separated into independent and alternating storylines, each set on New Year's Eve in consecutive years from 1964 to 1967, and each equipped with a custom-sized image, Paul Le Mat drag-racing in wide, wide …
Strictly for kids, and the younger the better. The simplicity of the images, the queer lunar lighting, and the 3-D-ish, split-level compositions give you the feeling of looking at a View-Master rather than at a movie. Jim Henson's dead-eyed puppets are pretty uninteresting as shapes and colors, and no matter …
Strictly for kids, and the younger the better. The simplicity of the images, the queer lunar lighting, and the 3-D-ish, split-level compositions give you the feeling of looking at a View-Master rather than at a movie. Jim Henson's dead-eyed puppets are pretty uninteresting as shapes and colors, and no matter …
Strictly for kids, and the younger the better. The simplicity of the images, the queer lunar lighting, and the 3-D-ish, split-level compositions give you the feeling of looking at a View-Master rather than at a movie. Jim Henson's dead-eyed puppets are pretty uninteresting as shapes and colors, and no matter …
The idea of loosing Sherlock Holmes on the trail of Jack the Ripper is such a good one that it isn't surprising it was thought of before, in a rather better and lighter movie than this one, called A Study in Terror. Christopher Plummer does not show us Holmes at …
The issue of women's independence formulated in terms that were already old in the green years of Katharine Hepburn, who would be easy to imagine in the central role of a poor girl from the Australian bush country with her head in the clouds of literature, art, music, all the …
A nice, sincere, square, old-hat labor movie, which, in the tradition of Black Fury, The Grapes of Wrath, The Whistle at Eton Falls, et al., is a little out of the Hollywood mainstream, but is not the walking-on-water some well-wishers will take it to be. The high-pitched humanistic tone of …
Peter Gent's roman-à-clef about the Dallas football organization is as single-voiced on the screen as on the page -- a defeat for the collaborative possibilities of filmmaking. One might have hoped, for instance, that the producer and former president of Paramount Pictures, Frank Yablans, who takes partial credit for the …
No matter how fantastic the subject matter is, or once was, Werner Herzog's homage to the vampire genre comes across as dismally familiar (a wayfarer asks directions to Count Dracula's castle and the innkeeper promptly lets a tray of glasses crash to the floor, after which, as all eyes in …
Joseph Wambaugh served as cinematic executor (scriptwriter and producer) of his own best-seller in order to ensure that his evangelistic vision of the policeman's reality was in no way distorted or diluted. It is, however, somewhat dimmed in the dark, dark cinematography. And it is also somewhat side-tracked in the …
Self-conscious and silly horror movie sets loose a Pandora's Box of evils — a blond femme fatale who knifes her lovers in a graveyard, a gangling undertaker who walks in slow-motion, hooded dwarfs skittering around as if on skateboards, a creepy-crawly severed finger oozing yellow blood, batlike creatures with bright-red …
Women's Lib, Cuban style. The gaily colored glimpses of Cuban clothes, houses, rooms, etc., can be appreciated from a tourist standpoint, but the remedial lessons on the Emerging Woman tax the patience beyond bearability. The handsome heroine, coping with two jobs, kids, and a husband who doesn't feel it's right …