Director Alex Gibney makes cinematic lemonade from lemons whose flavor was most likely enhanced through prohibited methods. Gibney had to shelve his documentary on seven-time Tour de France winner Lance Armstrong's miracle comeback in 2009, because, of course, it turned out it wasn't a miracle. Rather, it seems it was …
Contemplative animated portrait of an Italian taxi driver who devotes a good portion of his day thinking about happiness.
Zac Efron down on the farm! Dennis Quaid in the heartland! Cars! Guns! Family! Drama!
Seated in a packed auditorium and just seconds away from receiving a prestigious award, a Palestinian doctor operating out of Tel Aviv takes a phone call from his wife. Upon returning home, he spies her purse and phone on the counter, thinks nothing of it, and heads to bed. Open …
This year’s entry in the dysfunctional family holiday sweepstakes is a heaping plate of fried green magnolias. The Weston clan and company gather in Tulsa to mourn the suicide of the family patriarch and wind up wishing that their beastly, cancer-riddled mother (Meryl Streep) could trade places with him. John …
If you love Jane Austen so much, why don't you marry her? Or at least travel to England to engage in an immersive Austen experience, in the hopes of having an Austen-like adventure? Keri Russell stars.
Flight attendant Paula Patton needs a man to take to her sister's wedding. But not just any man. A potential husband. So she starts stalking her exes as they fly. You want high concept? This one's cruising at 30,000 feet! Zing! Sigh.
OMG OMG JOSH HOLLOWAY AND CHRIS BROWN IN A MOVIE ABOUT THE OLYMPICS OF BREAKDANCING. Breathe. Breathe. Will our American boys be able to take back the title from the Koreans? Maybe! Maybe if a former basketball coach and a GIRL choreographer can help them to work as a team!
Late in the proceedings of this, the third installment of Richard Linklater's relationship gabfest, Jesse (Ethan Hawke) gets a mid-argument chance to make a list of his beloved Celine’s (July Delpy) flaws. “Well, for starters, you’re fucking crazy,” he begins — and gets no further. But sometimes, a one-item list …
It's surfing at windmills in what's being described as surfer, artist, and environmentalist Chris Del Moro's "Don Quixotian" quest back to his Italian homeland. Jason Baffa directs.
A boy befriends a massive dog while the Holocaust looms.
An agreeable R-rated rom-com turns into a high-handed sentimental tear-jerker before piously wasting away. It’s time we sue Universal for false advertising. The breezy trailer for Malcolm Lee’s follow-up to his 1999 hit, The Best Man, promises “All the sex, all the secrets, all the surprises,” and none of the …
Geoffrey Rush gets a sexy old-timer role as an art appraiser who finds himself called to a house filled with possible treasures, presided over by a woman who doesn't want to be known. Or seen. What is the Italian for Ooh la la?