After turning 50, Cambodian documentarian Rithy Panh began to search for his childhood “like a lost picture.” Rather than slapping together 92 minutes of file footage to illustrate the dehumanizing barbarity his countrymen endured at the hands of the Khmer Rouge, Panh takes us through a visual gentrification process where …
Everybody loves Mike and Sully, the scaresome monster team from Monsters, Inc. So maybe they’ll be happy to see them again as college students in Monsters University. So happy that they won’t mind the clichéd plot — lovable band of misfits in loser frat must rally to beat arrogant jerks …
Everything you always wanted to know about honeybees but never thought to ask is answered in a sweet documentary. Who knew that one-third of what we eat would not exist without these plant-pollinating “messengers of love”? But across the globe, bees are rapidly and mysteriously dying off. Director Markus Imhoof …
Angels. Demons. Vampires. Werewolves. Witches. Warlocks. Monks. Goths. Rune tattoos. Tarot. Love triangles. The Chosen One. Twilight. Star Wars. The Matrix. Underworld. Men in Black. Hunters who get their power from angel blood even as they proclaim the equality of all religions. Armories under church altars. Closeted gays. Mommy issues. …
What color is your sad, bleak underbelly? How about modest and moody, with an alt-folk soundtrack? Stephen Dorff, looking like Ewan MacGregor after a three-week drug binge, and Emile Hirsch, looking like Jack Black on an all-bourbon diet, play a couple of hard-luck brothers and self-avowed fuckups dealing with their …
Adenike and Ayodele, a Nigerian couple living in Brooklyn, are having trouble conceiving a child - a problem that defies cultural expectations and leads Adenike to make a shocking decision that could either save or destroy her family.
Hugh Jackman has testicles where his Adam's apple should be. Richard Gere attempts to finger-bang a robot. Halle Berry dips a giant, unsheathed latex breast into a vat of guacamole. A cartoon kitty uses Elizabeth Banks's face to mark its territory. Movie 43 has gag potential, just not in the …
Not every cool story has the potential to be a great documentary, not even when it provides its own fantastic soundtrack. Rick Hall grew up dirt-poor in Alabama - as in, the floor of his house was dirt. He suffered a series of devastating tragedies (revealed over the course of …
National Geographic busts out the fancy cameras and special effects to show you a slowed-down,sped-up, blown-up, tinted, tranparansied world of stuff you wouldn't otherwise see. Don't look now, but you're swarming with bacteria.
The Jews' defeat, occupation, and exile by the Babylonians gets the operatic treatment from Verdi.
Edgar Quintero lives in Los Angeles and writes songs about Mexican drug dealers, painting them as badass outlaws. Richi Soto is a crime scene investigator in Juarez, a city which saw over 3600 murders in 2012. (In 2006, that number was 320. Then the drug wars came to town.) Director …
Will Forte plays along with his demented dad Bruce Dern’s false notion that Dern has won first prize in the Publisher’s Clearinghouse sweepstakes and joins the old man on a road trip from Montana to Nebraska to claim the million dollars. The subject matter should appeal to the On Golden …
Kelly Richert's tale of biological heroism gone wrong.
The final installment in director Pablo Larrain’s unplanned “Pinochet era” trilogy that began with Tony Manero in 2008 and includes 2010's Post Mortem. The fate of the Chilean people rests in the hands of Rene Saavedra (Gael Garcia Bernal), a soda pop–selling ad exec hired to quarterback the “No” campaign. …
Squeeeeeeeeeeeeee! Oh Noel Coward, you rapscalliony rascal, you. Filmed play about a divorced couple, each honeymooning with a new spouse, who discover they are occupying adjacent suites. Complications ensue.