Stick Fly
If Mo`olelo's production of Lydia R. Diamond's contentious family drama weren't first rate (and it is), Diona Reasonover's amazing performance would still make it a must see. She plays Cheryl, daughter of the maid at a Martha's Vinyard vacation house, and moves non-stop, cleaning, cooking, taking orders from the only African-American family in the area. Like everyone else in a get-together that reveals mistakes and strips away secrets, she will emerge a different person at play's end. Robert Barry Fleming doesn't direct or act enough locally (reason: he's drama dept. chair at USD). With a top flight cast (Hasan El-Amin, ditto on not acting enough, Lorene Chesley, Elizabeth M. Kelly, Matt Orduna, and Anthony Hawkins Woods) and design work (David F. Weiner's well-stocked set and Ingrid Helton's spot-on costumes), Fleming gives the play an expert staging.
Critic's Pick.
Ongoing until Sunday, March 20, 2011
Sundays, 2pm |
Thursdays, 7:30pm |
Fridays, 7:30pm |
Saturdays, 7:30pm |