Robert Dubac's Male Intellect: The Second Coming!
Robert Dubac's sequel to his play The Male Intellect: An Oxymoron? promises "more truth, less" — actually it should be "fewer" — "lies." Afflicted with too much male chauvinism, he tries to find a balance between his left brain (linear, rational) and his right (emotional). He labels the two hemispheres "male" and "female." They aren't, but anyway. In Act Two, having found his balance, he ventures behind the "door of truth" and gives us unvarnished, outside-the-box revelations ("there are no stars in Dancing with the Stars"). Although the tidy oppositions — women are this, men that — come from pop psychology (which has always been allergic to multipolarities), and though Dubac upholds stereotypes as much as he warps them, the show's often quite funny. Some of the best material comes when his characters, like grumpy Uncle Bob, say unexpected things. His repertoire includes magic tricks (demolishing a newspaper, clumping it together, and unfolding the pristine original), a quasi-mystical blackboard with key words embedded, and, the highlight, a cigarette in each ear performing "Dueling Banjos" from Deliverance. On opening night Dubac blasted through the evening as if he had a plane to catch. His characters' accents often blurred the jokes, the punch lines in particular. Unlike most stand-up comedians, Dubac wants his audience to think. His show would be even better if he gave them time to do it.
Worth a try.
Ongoing until Sunday, July 27, 2008
Sundays, 2pm & 5pm |
Wednesdays, 8pm |
Thursdays, 8pm |
Fridays, 8pm |
Saturdays, 5pm & 8pm |