Parasite Drag
One of the most overworked formulas in the biz: tragedy reunites a dysfunctional family, revelations ensue, and, buoyed by a new understanding, all vow to heal old scars. But what, asks playwright Mark Roberts, if the revelations are too devastating? What if denial and unknowing had been, if not a boon, at least a stay of execution? Roberts's title sounds like nonsymbiotic cross-dressing but actually refers to excess weight on an airplane's fuselage (and, metaphorically, the burden of an absent father's sins). Director Glenn Paris and Ion Theatre give the drama a tight, unflinching production. John Polak heads the four-person cast (others are Andy Collins, Susan Hammons, and Kim Strassburger) as emotionally clobbered Ronnie, who spouts four-letter words and exudes another one: "hurt."
Worth a try.
Ongoing until Saturday, July 24, 2010
Thursdays, 8pm |
Fridays, 8pm |
Saturdays, 4pm |