Lamb's Players Festival of Christmas
For its 32nd annual holiday show, Lamb's offers a new script, by Kerry Meads, and some truly inventive arrangements of yuletide favorites and lesser known songs, by Jon Lorenz, Taran Gray, and Leonard Patton (so inventive, in fact, that Lamb's has made a CD). The economic crunch threatens Penny Lane, a recording studio directly under a railroad track. The story includes a homeless wise man (Nathan Peirson), a Sleepless in Seattle tryst (David Cochran Heath and Sandy Campbell), and other believable characters for whom hope is a genuine need. The situation builds drama but also provides built-in - as opposed to tacked-on - occasions for the music. Singers rehearse new ideas. The result's often a freewheeling spontaneity (polished underneath, of course) that gives the songs - like Lorenz's excellent "Away in a Manger" done as a country waltz - a fresh, experimental flavor.
Worth a try.
Ongoing until Sunday, December 27, 2009
Sundays, 2pm & 6pm |
Tuesdays, 7:30pm |
Wednesdays, 7:30pm |
Thursdays, 7:30pm |
Fridays, 8pm |
Saturdays, 4pm & 8pm |