A Doll's House, Part 2
79 Horton Plaza, San Diego
Cost: $25 - $69
The San Diego Rep could have a monster hit! Lucas Hnath's comedy-drama begins 15 years after Henrik Ibsen's masterpiece ends. Nora comes home. She's made it in the world, but needs a little help from her X. The playwright calls what follows, "boxing matches," as Nora (amazing Sofia Jean Gomez) squares off about marriage against the housemaid (hilarious Linda Libby), her daughter (spunky Danny Brown), and finally her controlling husband, Torvald (outstanding Rene Thornton, Jr. Cudos to director Sam Woodhouse the cast and designers for theater that will make you think, most likely disagree at some points, and laugh.Critic's Pick.
Ongoing until Sunday, December 16, 2018
Sundays, 2pm & 7pm |
Wednesdays, 7pm |
Thursdays, 8pm |
Fridays, 8pm |
Saturdays, 8pm |