Ion Theatre, noted for risk-taking, warns potential audiences that Sarah Kane's 100-minute dehumanization derby is not for the faint of heart. The play has ripe language, nudity, two rapes, and violence in the extreme. The slow first half recalls Sam Shepard's Fool for Love, but infected with evil. The second half's a bomb-crater blasted of humanity. Ron Choularton does riveting work as a self-destructing journalist. Steve Lone's effectively brutal as every-soldier. On opening night, Gemma Gray reached some of her character's emotional crudity, but also made stagey choices. Kane's ending feels gratuitous, and she force-feeds her gruesome effects, but the play's final impression has a rare, genuinely disturbing feel.
Ongoing until Saturday, February 18, 2012
Thursdays, 8pm |
Fridays, 8pm |
Saturdays, 4pm & 8pm |