9 Parts of Desire
What if a diverse group of Iraqi women received more airtime than a five second, CNN cameo? How would they account for the devastation? What would they assert? If you've got a snappy answer, you're sound-bitten from watching too much CNN. For a decade, Heather Raffo conducted interviews, then arranged them into monologues. The women don't know each other. Their opinions are so divergent they might not get along if they did. Nine women come to full life and, even more striking, the voices don't cancel each out. Raffo originally performed the piece by herself. Mo`olelo director Janet Hayatshahi has three actors play the women. Lisel Gorrel-Getz (especially as Layal, the state-supported artist who has been "raped many times"), Frances Anita Rivera (whose great-hearted Amal is a heartbreaker), and Dre Slaman (fire-from-the-hip Huda) make indelible impressions on David F. Weiner's handsome set, through which winds the Tigris, a river of gleaming bowls. 619-342-7395.
Critic's Pick.
Ongoing until Sunday, November 1, 2009
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