Past Event
Saturday, December 9, 2023, 9 a.m. to 11 a.m.
Miner's Loop Trail Hike
Carmel Valley Rd., south side, .7 miles east of intersection w Black Mtn. Rd, Rancho Peñasquitos
Cost: Free
Join naturalist Beth Mather and explore the history of the arsenic-gold mine on Black Mtn. Also learn about the native habitats, plants, and animals of Black Mtn. Bring water and sun protection and sturdy hiking shoes. Meet in the parking lot at the north staging area. The entrance is off Carmel Valley Rd., on the south side of the road, about ½ mile east of its intersection with Black Mtn. Rd., Rancho Peñasquitos 92129. If you hit Valle del Sur Ct., you’ve gone a hundred yards too far east! Do a U-turn and come back around. Sponsored by the Friends of los Peñasquitos Canyon Preserve.