Past Event
Wednesday, April 13, 2022, 7 p.m. to 9 p.m.
Rocky Intertidal Monitoring at Cabrillo National Monument
All over the world from, San Diego
Cost: Free
The San Diego Chapter of the American Cetacean Society will be hosting Dr. Lauren Pandori and her talk, "30 Years of Rocky Intertidal Monitoring at Cabrillo National Monument" As a Marine Biologist on the Natural Resources Team at Cabrillo National Monument (San Diego, CA), Dr. Lauren Pandori runs a rocky intertidal long-term monitoring program, collaborating with academic and non-profit partners to analyze and publish resulting data. She also analyzes many types of data at the park (visitation, vegetation, wildlife) to assess how the park has changed over time and inform stewardship strategies. This event is free and open to the public.