SD Italian Film Festival: Figli (Kidz)
This sharp comedy revolves around a very simple subject: having children in Italy today. Or rather, having a second child, to be more specific. Sara (Paola Cortellesi) and Nicola (Valerio Mastandrea) are a happy couple. She’s a restaurant health inspector, he runs a fishmonger’s; they pay their bills and they have a quiet six-year-old daughter whom they bring along to dinners with friends. The balance in their lives is disrupted, however, by the arrival of their second child. In this case, “1 plus 1 doesn’t make 2, it makes 11.” Their love, of course, multiplies, but so does their fatigue. Sleepless nights, crying around the clock, selfish grandparents and unlikely babysitters all combine to transform the couple’s life into a living hell, while commitments relating to their firstborn become increasingly pressing. Tragicomic scenarios ensue. In Italian with English subtitles. All ticket holders must provide proof of COVID vaccination.