Overcoming Underearning for Writers & Artists
As writers, artists, and creatives, we can get sucked into a spiral of underearning. If you’ve put your services on sites like UpWork, Freelancer, and Thumbtack you’ve already experienced what it’s like to take your skillset and watch it become nothing more than pennies per word. Worse, you’re in competition with others who are doing the same. There’s nothing wrong with using these kinds of websites to build your portfolio, but once you have, why are you still choosing to earn so little? If you’d like to get to the bottom of why you’re underearning, this is the class for you. Based on the book “Overcoming Underearning” by Barbara Stanny, you’ll dig through the layers of what has been keeping you from earning what you’re worth. This is an intense 5-week class, limited to 15 people, and will require you to investigate your history, emotions, and beliefs built up around money. We’ll meet once a week for 1.5 hours online to discuss the assigned chapters and the revelations experienced through the homework. Class pre-requisites: * Have a copy of “Overcoming Underearning” by Barbara Stanny * Have Zoom (free online software) loaded onto your laptop, desktop, or smartphone Results from past students: * Increasing writing rates and getting clients to pay at those rates * Marketing a musical they’ve been holding onto * Developing a business idea and enacting steps to bring it to life * Taking a hard look at debt and enacting steps to get out of it * Reviewing expenditures and becoming a better steward of their money