Restore Least Tern Nesting Habitat
Join San Diego Audubon as we restore nesting habitat of the CA Least Tern, a federally-listed endangered seabird! This species has lost most of its coastal dune nesting habitat, and the habitat that remains is often overgrown by invasive weeds. We will be working to remove these weeds, repair fencing and install signage, all to help this little bird and its chicks thrive. The work event will run at Stony Point on Fiesta Island. Come prepared in closed-toed shoes and work clothes, and bring a hat, sunglasses and a jacket. Water, snacks, sunscreen, gloves and all needed tools will be provided. We will require that all minors have their waivers signed by a legal guardian. RSVP or find out more by reaching out to our Restoration Manager, Megan Flaherty, at [email protected], or at 858-273-7800 x 106.