Rancho La Costa Grasslands Restoration
First Saturdays are regular restoration events in the vast and wild Rancho La Costa Preserve. Join us to help in a vairety of activities (will change depending on season) from removing invasive plants, to prepping a demonstration garden, to sewing native seed. Your diligent work will allow for native establishment in years to come and the promise of a healthier, more diverse ecosystem. Event is appropriate for all ages and physical abilities. This is an opportunity to meet people, get outside, take a hike, and earn volunteer service hours. Please bring: Water, gloves, and a hat. Wear long sleeves and sturdy, closed-toe shoes. Tools, supplies, and additional water will be provided. Directions: Park at approximate address of 7506 Gibraltar Street. Restoration site is at end of cul-de-sac on opposite side of gate. Pedestrain access easy and obvious. Please RSVP or direct questions to: Sami Collins: [email protected]