Mountain Lions Need Our Respect & Love
Please Join Us-FREE EVENT Presentation by Mr. Robin Parks on Mountain Lions Saturday, June 16, 2018 10:00 a.m.-11:30 a.m. at Valley Center Library 29200 Cole Grade Road Valley Center, CA 92082 Friends of Hellhole Canyon Open Space Preserve is proud to sponsor an educational and informative presentation by well-known expert, Mr. Robin Parks. As a life-long admirer of the great cats, Parks began volunteer work at animal sanctuaries in California and elsewhere in 1999 where he first encountered captive mountain lions. This led Parks to the Mountain Lion Foundation (MLF) where he has been a field volunteer on many projects. As a former 25 year career investigator for the Naval Criminal Investigative Service; retiring in 2004, he is very much involved in reaching out to law enforcement agencies who are so often the first responders to cougar incidents. Parks lectures throughout Southern California. His presentations provide basic cougar biology; general safety tips, and address “myths & misinformation” that surround cougars. He also discusses various “shoot/don’t shoot” considerations and scenarios geared to law enforcement personnel that show killing a wayward cougar simply because it has wandered into human territory is rarely necessary and is often the wrong decision. The mountain lion population is in decline in many areas. There is precious little time to change their life’s course. We have all heard the sad story of mountain lion, P22 in Los Angles who confined by freeways may not be able to reproduce.