Non-Standard Lit: Mattraw & Deutsch
We invite you to the fifth and final reading for fall 2018 for Non-Standard Lit at Verbatim Books, featuring two readers: Alexandra Mattraw + Adam Deutsch! Alexandra Mattraw’s full-length book of poems, small siren, is available at Cultural Society (2018). She is also the author of four chapbooks, including flood psalm (2017, Dancing Girl Press). You can find her poems and reviews in places including Denver Quarterly, Fourteen Hills, Jacket2, The Poetry Project, and VOLT. In Oakland and San Francisco, Alexandra curates an art-centric writing and performance series called Lone Glen, now in its eighth year. Adam Deutsch lives in San Diego, teaches college composition and writing, and has work recently or forthcoming in Poetry International, Thrush, Spinning Jenny, Ping Pong, and Typo. He has a chapbook called Carry On (elegies) and assorted other zine projects.