Toys for Tots Ride
El Cajon Harley-Davidson Harley Owners Group (HOG) 4th Annual Toys for Tots Motorcycle Ride. Directly benefiting the Marine Corps Reserves Toys for Tots Program in San Diego, our goal is 5000 new unwrapped toys for donation to the U. S. Marine Corps Reserves, going towards the target of 58,000 toys for distribution to children in the San Diego. This is not about a particular type of bike or riding style, it is all about supporting kids.
Starting at El Cajon Harley-Davidson, the ride destination is the Del Mar Race Track, where our partner the Del Mar Thoroughbred Club is hosting a special race, the Del Mar Toys for Tots Ride. Anyone bringing a new, unwrapped toy to the track that day will receive free admission. Registration is $10 and (at least) one new, unwrapped toy per person. For this, you get parking, entry to the track, entry to the Red Star Patio, grandstand seating, one opportunity drawing ticket, and (while supplies last) a commemorative challenge coin.