Native American Story & Song
The stories and songs of Kawsak will fill the auditorium at Grossmont College's Griffith Gate as the celebration begins for the annual Native American Heritage Month. “Kawsak En Concierto” performs traditional music of the Andes and specializes in earthy Andean music from Ecuador and neighboring South American countries. These entertainers are a world-traveling quintet and family members who’ve recorded six albums of traditional instrumental music starting over 15 years ago. Passion and a love for their native music was the stark that brought this group to fruition under the name of Khausak. Audiences will enjoy a free performance as they play flute and violin, percussion and guitar, and charango and bass. Other Ecuadorian instruments such as the pan pipes, zampona and rondador, as well as the oboe-like dulzaina will be on display as they expound on the origin and history of these unique instruments.