Wintering and Resident Birds of Lake Wohlford
Naturalist Sally Sanderson will lead an easy-paced bird walk of about 3 miles, lasting two to three hours at Lake Wohlford. We will follow the southern and eastern shoreline from the parking lot on Oakvale Road. We hope to see a Bald Eagle perching on its favorite tree or hunting over the lake. The Common Mergansers as well as a number of other duck species should be back from their northern breeding grounds. We often find American White Pelicans on the lake at this time of the year. Bring binoculars, hat, water and wear layered clothing. To get to Lake Wohlford from Escondido, travel east on Valley Parkway. At Washington Avenue, Valley Parkway becomes Valley Center Road. Continue another 0.8 mile to Lake Wohlford Road and turn right. Drive 1.9 miles uphill to Oakvale Drive, again on the right. Drive 0.7 mile on Oakvale to a gated dirt road on the left, which leads to a parking area for public access to the south shore of Lake Wohlford. Heavy rain cancels.