Are Vaquitas the Next Condor Story?
The San Diego Chapter of the American Cetacean Society is excited to welcome Dr. Barbara Taylor and her presentation, "Are vaquitas the next condor story? Let’s make it so." Dr. Barbara Taylor works for Southwest Fisheries Science Center, National Marine Fisheries Service, and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. She has worked on vaquita for over 20 years. She leads the largest marine mammal genetics research group in the world at NOAA's Southwest Fisheries Science Center, chairs the Society for Marine Mammalogy's Conservation Committee, leads listing efforts for whales, dolphins and porpoises for IUCN, and serves on the International Recovery Team and Presidential Commission on vaquita.
Vaquitas dropped from 60 to about 30 individuals in the past year. A year with a gillnet ban within the full range of the species, the Sea Shepherd collaborating with the Navy to remove nets, and an additional derelict gear removal program. In this presentation Barbara Taylor provides an update on the latest recovery team meeting, plans to take vaquitas into temporary sanctuary, news on the future of gillnetting, and changes in laws regarding illegal fishing.