Past Event
Thursday, June 8, 2017, 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
Nuclear Waste from San Onofre
700 Eucalyptus Avenue, Vista, 92084
Cost: Free
The CA Coastal Commission approved a permit to build a nuclear waste storage facility at San Onofre 100 ft from the ocean, inches over the high-water mark, and near a 7.4 mag fault. This location puts the coastline at risk of radioactive contamination. Citizens' Oversight filed a lawsuit, and now we are in settlement negotiations.
North County Climate Change Alliance presents Ray Lutz who will further describe this situation and status of the lawsuit. Introduction by Dr. Tom English. Lutz, trained as an engineer in electronics and software, founded Citizens Oversight in 2007 to enable civic engagement. Most recently, he has been active in the San Onofre nuclear plant shutdown, nuclear spent fuel, and $3.3 billion bailout negotiations.