Spiritual Activism Symposium
The Association for Global New Thought will bring together spiritually motivated activists at a unique new symposium featuring three days of expert speakers, music by Faith Rivera and Daniel Nahmod, two dozen workshops by grassroots activists sharing real-world models, and training for anyone yearning to step up to the next level of their own purpose. New Thought leaders, including AGNT President Michael Beckwith, will present, along with guests: Nipun Mehta (President's Advisory Council on Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships), Yvette Flunder (City of Refuge UCC, Pacific School of Religion, National Sexuality Resource Center, Human Rights Campaign of the National Black Justice Coalition), James O'Dea (former President of the Institute of Noetic Sciences, Amnesty International, CEO of the Seva Foundation; Sufi teacher and author), Steve Bhaerman (Swami Beyondananda, the "Cosmic Comic"), Masami Saionji (GOI Peace Foundation, World Peace Prayer Society, Fuji Declaration from Japan), Wayne Muller (Harvard Divinity School, founder of Bread for the Journey). http://www.consciousmajority.org [email protected] 805-563-7343