Festival of Fruit 2015
The San Diego Chapter of the California Rare Fruit Growers hosts the 2015 statewide meeting The Festival of Fruit with the theme "The Year of the Drought-Tolerant Fruits."
This event will feature a day of speaker presentations revolving around some of the more drought-tolerant fruits that can be grown in Southern California as well as products and cultural practices that can be used to help reduce water use and help in water conservation.
On Saturday there will be fruit tastings, a opportunity drawing, educational displays, a plant auction and plant sale, and a closing dinner. In addition, the San Diego Master Gardeners will have a “marketplace” with vendors, agencies, and non-profit organizations and will have educational instructional demonstrations throughout the day. The marketplace is free and open to the public from 8 am to 4 pm.
Attendance at the 2015 Festival of Fruit is expected to be over 400 fruit enthusiasts from California and Arizona and the Marketplace should have more than 1000 visitors coming from the San Diego area.