Past Event
Saturday, November 15, 2014, 10:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.
A Family Changed by Genome Sequencing
1875 El Prado, San Diego, 92101
Cost: $15 - $18
The Fleet is excited to welcome Noah and Alexis Beery to join us at our current traveling exhibition, Genome: Unlocking Life’s Code.
Diagnosed early in life with cerebral palsy, the twin’s condition seemed to get worse as they got older and seemed to resemble cerebral palsy less and less every year. In 2009, the technology for genome sequencing became available for the twins. The results of the sequencing led scientist to a more definitive diagnosis of Segawa’s disease, a rare but treatable disease caused by a mutation in the genome. Since beginning treatment, both twins have made a full recovery.
The twins will be available to answer your questions.