Past Event
Thursday, March 22, 2012, 8 p.m.
Next Fall
4545 Park Boulevard, San Diego, 92116
Young Luke is Christian and gay. His partner, Adam, says that's a contradiction. Their relationship grows on every level except core beliefs. A horrific accident prompts Adam, Luke's family, and others to reexamine themselves. Next Fall is funny and moving, in the end, though it takes its time (Geoffrey Nauffts, an actor, wrote lengthy scenes for actors to perform, often at the expense of pacing). At Diversionary, director James Vasquez treats the play as if written by a more experienced playwright. He also made smart casting choices: Jacque Wilke, Tony Houck, and Shana Wride in particular. Stewart Calhoun (a cherubic Luke) and Matt McGrath (Adam, a neurotic hypochondriac) make up in chemistry for what are thinly drawn beings.
Worth a try.