"XII Muestra Choregráfica Binacional"
The "XII Binational Choreographic Showcase" is designed to engage dancers and choreographers, enhance relationships in binational dance community. Program includes series of master classes, roundtable discussions, showcase of new choreography, critics talk-back. Co–produced with Tijuana’s Minerva Tapia Dance Group, weekend also features Cuerpo Etereo (Monterey) and Antares Danza Contemporánea (Hermosillo); U.S. companies are Jean Isaacs San Diego Dance Theater, San Diego Ballet, Yolande Snaith IMAGO Moves.
Event begins with wine and cheese reception and exhibition of dance images by photographer Jennifer Spencer and Julio Rodriguez Ramos on Friday, May 22. On May 23 and 24, events begin at 10 a.m., with showcase concerts at 6:30 p.m. on Saturday, 7:30 p.m. on Sunday. Tickets for three-day event: $35. 619-225-1803.