"One morning, Seo woke up to a somewhat dimmer sky
He was worried all of his friends he had known
All the ones from the south
Were going to die.
He was worried
That everything on earth
Was about to change for the worse.
He had to tell the world, and he had to make the world listen.
He did so in the only way he knew
Through melody
Through word
Through creation.
To help him, he called upon Jon and John.
Jon played bass with both brass and string.
John was a percussive anomaly,
And all three could sing.
Three people, six voices, and a haunting melody
All three sentient things
All three sentient beings.
We have no hope. We have no pride.
We must do what we know we must do,
Because in the very end,
We must know this in our hearts.
We were never one of them."
-- MySpace profile
Other local punk bands like the Power Chords, the Sess, and Long Live Logos have joined with Sentient Manifesto, to stage unlicensed shows in Bonita and Chula Vista, at venues with no permits. They say this is due to the lack of clubs in San Diego willing to book punk acts.