Rudy Ramrod and San Diego Kings Club salutes Billy Joe Armstrong, South Park’s Cartman, and Billy Joel, all performed in man drag. When fellow dragsters Smokey Gonzalez, Tony Technique, and Craven Morehead salute Adam Levine, Dr. Dre, Drake, and Elvis, they wear glue-on mustaches and beards or use spirit gum and real human hair to sport fake facial hair.
According to Ramrod, “The drag Kings are more like rock stars. It’s a whole different energy flow. We are more laid back, ‘Hey, buddy, what’s up?’ But, god love them. It takes a lot to go up there with heels and wigs and glitter. They have to be larger than life because that’s what they do. Like rockers, we are more into T-shirts and jeans. We do impersonations but at a whole different level.”