Blues guitarist Lafayette Falkquay spent years in Austin, Texas, playing with Angela Estrela. "When I was a little bit older, we moved to Austin. That's where I found the guitar. Actually, my brother found it. It was in the trash. That may sound like a lie, but it's true. It had but one string. My brother said it wasn't any good. So I took it, and I drove everybody crazy playing that one string."
His first fully functional came from a Sears catalog. "A black Silvertone, with metal flake. That was the best thing that ever happened to me."
In 1978, he moved to San Diego and fronted the Leasebreakers. “My wife at the time worked for the IRS. We lived in Fresno before we came to San Diego.” He says he stopped playing when he got married, that he didn’t even own a guitar when they moved here. “I didn’t play for ten years. My wife was glad to have me home.”
Now, he can be found playing frequently around town. "The reason I play music is because I'm asked to play. Otherwise, I probably wouldn't."