The power trio known as Jerry Raney & the Shames came to life during the late 1970s, rising from the remains of one of San Diego’s best-known and longest running indie rock bands, Glory. Jack Pinney, Gregg Willis, and Jerry Raney would become regulars at local clubs like the Bacchanal, My Rich Uncle’s, and the Spirit (later to become Brick by Brick).
Raney had come from the bands Thee Dark Ages and Blues Messenger, while Gregg Willis and Jack Pinney had played with the Palace Pages, later known as Iron Butterfly. Raney had previously played with Pinney in the Roosters.
Raney later played with the Beat Farmers (and its latterday incarnation as the Farmers), among many other groups. Gregg Willis joined Carlos Blues Experience.
The soundtrack for the 2014 documentary A Box Full Of Rocks: The El Cajon Years of Lester Bangs includes tracks by Raney's 1960s/70s rock band Thee Dark Ages (who frequently jammed with rock critic Bangs), as well contributions by Jon Kanis, Robert Williams (Captain Beefheart), Jack Gimble, and the Flying Sandolini.
The San Diego Music Awards named Raney their Lifetime Achievement Award honoree in 2021.