The Best Little Secrets Are Kept
- Artist: Louis XIV
- Album released in 2005
- Atlantic/Wea
- Genres: Alternative, Blues & Soul, Pop, Rock
"Hometown CD," 3-24-05
The way 91X and 94/9 are playing the single "Finding Out True Love Is Blind" gives the impression that the hooky cut with lascivious lyrics is all these ex-Convoy guys have to offer. But wait, there's more. The disc's most striking aspect is the excellent fusion of glam rock with pop. Each song progresses from catchy to addictive, tinged with a lot of humor.
"A Letter to Dominique" and "Illegal Tender" harness the same kind of energy found in "Finding Out True Love Is Blind," with the emphasis on feedback, vintage instrumentation, and bawdy lyrics. In "Illegal Tender" Hill sings, "I looked into your eyes / and pushed your buttons and levers / you kindly said whatever / and you liked my lovin' better / because you said so in a letter / that said return to sender / my illegally illegal tender."
The voice of frontman Jason Hill is certainly an acquired taste in that he manages to channel both Johnny Rotten and Sid Vicious. The ballad "All the Little Pieces" is undercut with a Beatles-esque vibe and splashes of cello, piano, and electric guitar. Yeah, the album is mired in sex, but what isn't lately? If this is a reaction to the ugliness of current events, let them eat Cake.
1. Louis XIV
2. Finding Out True Love Is Blind
3. Paper Doll
4. God Killed the Queen
5. A Letter to Dominique
6. Illegal Tender
7. Pledge of Allegiance
8. Hey Teacher
9. All the Little Pieces
10. Ball of Twine