No Use for Sunshine
- Artist: Mod Amish
- Album released in 2008
- Genres: Alternative, Punk, Rock
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Released September 25, 2008 - review excerpts:
The Ripple Effect Review: "Heaping on piles of influences from the past and forcing them kicking and screaming through their own amps, Mod Amish will satisfy your
alt-musical itch. This is alt-rock done right, laden with melody and drive, and completely ignoring the mainstream."
Americana UK: "Effervescent hook driven indie-rock songs are out of the speakers and tattooed on my brain before I even know what is happening; then there's a melodic fizz of guitars knitting me a skull cap of bliss."
San Diego Punk: "... a nice break from the dance beat filled pop punk that floods the scene today. I thoroughly enjoyed the album."