More Than Blues
- Artist: Reverend Stickman
- Album released in 2014
- Genres: Acoustic, Rock
Reverend Stickman featuring Neener and the SD Jazz Situation
1. Crazy Too
2. Every Woman
3.These Shoes
4. Thanks To You
5. Too Late Now (Neener lead vocal)
6. Left Behind
7. Drinking About Tomorrow (SD Songwriter's Guild best song winner)
8. Some Men Are Fools
9. Who I Used To Be
Reverend Stickman - music and lyrics, vocals, guitars, bass, keys, strings
Neener - vocals, percussion
Bob Bartosik - engineering, mixing, producing, horns, strings, keys
Other personnel - Billy Wear, Michael Mooneyham, Darrell Martin, Matt Taylor, Kevin Hall and Jeremy Eikam.