Monsters Inside Me
- Artist: Shepherd's Glen
- Album released in 2018
- Genre: Rock
Sample tracks:
1 - Lament
2 - Death March of the Rockers
3 - Silenced by that Song
4 - Godless
5 - Monsters Inside Me (Harper's Song) Ft. Heather Lee Marvin
6 - Pretty Little Tease Ft. Heather Lee Marvin
7 - Dancing in the Desert Ft. Jesse Berlin
8 - Lonely Girl Ft. Kirstie Dela Cruz
9 - Comfortable Lie Ft. Heather Lee Marvin
10 - Mad World
11 - Goodnight, Anaheim
12 - Shot in the Dark
12 - The Roaming Mind of an Insomniac
14 - Hands of Time