Let Them All Talk
- Artist: The Nervous Wreckords
- Album released in 2012
- Genre: Rock
1) Beautiful Girl **
2) IVY **
3) Let them all Talk **
4) Classy Girls **
5) Shapes of a Dove **
6) 8 Track (I'm Comin Back) **
7) Love Jammed the Radio **
8) Doin it to Do it **
9) Asleep or Dead
10) The Rich get Richer
Produced and written by B. Karscig, recorded at Studio Bee in San Diego.
Players include:
Brian Karscig
Lindsay Matheson
Tony Cupito
Daniel Schraer
Cindy Cate
John Paul Lobno
Mark Maigaard
Ray Suen
Cover photo by The Joelsons
Design by John Hofstetter