Fifty on Their Heels
- Artist: Fifty on Their Heels
- Album released in 2006
- Cat Dirt Records
- Genres: Alternative, Punk
1) Money, Glamour, Suicide
2) Panic
3) Occupation
4) This Is
5) Go Away
6) A Good Friend
Fifty on Their Heels plays standard punk -- quick, stripped of effects, and with high-pitched vocals. The singing isn't the screeching of X-Ray Specs, but more warbling and melodic, similar to the Sex Pistols and Buzzcocks. In fact, lead singer Junior Metro seems to pick up right where Johnny Rotten left off; on "This Is," the trailing off of the final syllable in the line, "One night of you is all I neeeEEEED" sounds lifted from the Pistols' "God Save the Queen."
Nicky Shingles's bass playing is better than original, late-1970s punk. The rhythmic popping on "A Good Friend" is reminiscent of the bass-laden "Rio" by Duran Duran. Drum fans will love "Occupation" because of the rapid-fire short bursts employed during pace changes.
I like Fifty on Their Heels. They're a talented band and a fun listen. They play "standard" punk. I don't see a market opening on the radio for traditional, 25-year-old punk, but maybe Fifty doesn't want to break into a larger market. If you're an original-punk fan, Fifty on Their Heels should be your favorite local band.
Hometown CD Review 9-14-06