- Artist: Max Maharaja
- Album released in 2014
- Fat Free Radical Records
- Genre: Rock
Sample tracks:
1. Wunda Brutha (metallic funk with an atheistic message)
2. Ultra Sexy Booty (swank, dirty funk)
3. EZ2H8U (stoner reggae, hip twisting bossa nova, punk metal)
4. Exploding Stargasm (Satriani-esque space rock)
5. Zombie Apocalypse (straight up hard rock)
6. Hot Blue Hypergiant (psychedelic pounding)
7. Existential Psychosis (psychotheraputic bouillabaisse)
8. The Legend of Pendaydro (punktry)
9. The Wicked Words of Worm Tongue (Creepy Remix) (mini-epic
10. Titties and Beer (Double D Remix) (thick dirty swingin' boogie)
11. Electric Eye Socket (Judas Priest skater certified
12. Purple Joose (Jimi Hendrix parody)