A Chorus of Storytellers
- Artist: The Album Leaf
- Album released in 2010
- Sub Pop Records
- Genres: Noise | Xprmntl, Rock
A Chorus of Storytellers review by Alex Walker
A Chorus of Storytellers is The Album Leaf's fifth studio release, and it’s a refreshing sound. Not one to crank up at a party. The meticulous arrangements require time and attention, that the listener sit and take in the intricate melodies, inventive transitions, and inspired tones. There are several layers to each song, floating in and out and making one feel as if you were sailing down a river watching the world of the shore pass by.
It's a balance of old and new, electronic and acoustic. Doubling drum machines with true drums gives this band a unique effect. The movie-soundtrack ambient feel stems from the lack of lyrics with the occasional harmony and verse thrown in. A few songs at times are reminiscent of Death Cab For Cutie. All songs have a steady moving beat, but the closest they get to typical song structure is on "There is a Wind," "Falling From the Sun," and "Almost There."
The Album Leaf is an impressive San Diego band with a new album that deserves an audience, ears at the ready for an attentive listen.
* Album title: A Chorus of Storytellers (2010)
* Artist: The Album Leaf
* Label: Sub Pop Records
* Songs:
(1) Perro
(2) Blank Pages
(3) There is a Wind
(4) Within Dreams
(5) Falling From the Sun
(6) Stand Still
(7) Summer Fog
(8) Until the Last
(9) We Are
(10) Almost There
(11) Tied Knots