Autumn of the Seraphs
- Artist: Pinback
- Album released in 2007
- Touch and Go Records
- Genres: Alternative, Funk, Jazz, Punk
1) From Nothing to Nowhere
2) Barnes
3) Good to Sea
4) How We Breathe
5) Walters
6) Stubbing for Eden
7) Devil You Know
8) Blue Harvest
9) Torch
10) Bouquet
11) Off by 50
It's been three years since Pinback released Summer in Abaddon, with its hit single "Fortress." The band's recent CD-release party for Autumn of the Seraphs "...had a false start early on," says Tony from Lou's Records in Encinitas. "A breaker blew, and they were shut down for a bit, but they got back up and played a long, good set." Tony estimates that 400 people showed up on September 11 to see the only two permanent members of the band: Rob Crow and Zach Smith.
Autumn of the Seraphs deviates little from the Pinback template, offering the back-and-forth, trade-and-share, sing-song-y vocals of Zach and Rob. Also in evidence are the light, poppy bass and guitar rhythms backed by quirky keyboard arrangements. The sound is quite a bit different from some of Crow's side projects, which include the band Goblin Cock and their heavy metal send-up, "The Revenge of Snufalufagus."
Touch and Go looks to be pushing track 1, "From Nothing to Nowhere," as the single of this album, but the moodier "Walters," track 5, was my favorite.
--- Hometown CD Review 9-20-07