San Diego Theater Reviews
Theater review: What the Constitution Means to Me at North Coast Rep
Playwright Heidi Schreck’s interrogation of our nation’s founding document is just about as clever and engaging a way as I can imagine to get theater audiences to reconsider its worth …
Theater review: The Dark Heart of Dooley Stevens
Dooley Stevens is a big man with a violent past, fresh out of the joint on a cycle that’s running on empty as he searches in the desert for something …
Lamb's Players Theater: Once more, with feeling
Lamb’s Players Theater scored a hit in 2018 with its production of Once, and has brought nearly the entire cast back for another run at it, lo these seven years …
Appropriate: a Southern family drama about Southern family dramas
@media print { .noprint { visibility: hidden !important; display: none !important; } } Sponsored /* Being hacky workaround notice ^^ class ad-placeholder-temp-id */ /* Should only load once per page …
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