Writer-director David Rühm’s Therapy for a Vampire is wonderfully good-natured and agreeable and even funny for a film about an unhappy marriage between a pair of murderous and immortal bloodsuckers. It’s Vienna in 1932, and Count Geza von Közsnöm pays a visit to psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud — though not to complain about his neurotic drive to count things (there’s a lot of this sort of humor, some instances much more delightful than others). No, he wants to talk about his miserable marriage and his deep longing for the woman who made him what he is today (before she was killed by a gang of outraged mortals). His wife, meanwhile, is desperate to know how she looks (mirrors being useless), and that begins their involvement with a cocksure young painter and his forward-thinking girlfriend. Rühm shows the right light touch for the material as it veers from psychological parody to romantic mixup comedy to campy horror, and his painterly depiction of Vienna is an old-fashioned marvel, so it’s not really such a bother when things fizzle at the finale. In German with English subtitles. (2014) — Matthew Lickona
This movie is not currently in theaters.