David Cronenberg follows They Came from Within with more of the same: the same venereal-disease plot development, the same nauseating special effects by Joe Blasco, the same plasticky color that makes an actor's skin look like that of a rubber doll, and the same scattered satirical touches. The incomprehensible premise has to do with a stock mad Scientist who dreams of becoming "the Colonel Sanders of plastic surgery" and who tries out his wildest ideas on a motorcycle accident victim (Marilyn Chambers). The operation, for some reason, leaves her with a craving for human blood, as well as with an open sore in her left armpit. This unsightly slit resembles a vulva at first glance, but is also a sheath for a phallic stinger that simultaneously extracts blood and injects a bizarre strain of rabies. The movie is angled toward making you ill at ease whenever Marilyn Chambers puts her arm around anybody, and it conveys an urgent message about what you get if you mess around with dirty girls. (1976) — Duncan Shepherd
This movie is not currently in theaters.