Writer-director Peter Landesman attempts to go big by going small - shifting the focus of attention surrounding the Kennedy assassination away from the political whodunit and toward the lives of people who were involved in the events of the November 22, 1963. We meet Abraham Zapruder, who set out to document a motorcade and wound up filming a murder. Robert E. Oswald, who suddenly found he shared a mother with an assassin. Jim Hosty, an FBI agent who'd been keeping tabs on Oswald's unhappy brother. And so on. The ambition is palpable and even admirable, but the drama is spread too thin. Splendid moments - Oswald's plea to the press to put down their cameras and serve as pallbearers at Lee Harvey's burial - get mixed in with the maudlin (a tantrum from Hosty's boss because Hosty didn't arrest Oswald ahead of time) and the weird (Secret Service agents hacking away at a plane's doorway in an effort to get Kennedy's coffin onboard). (2013)
This movie is not currently in theaters.