Writer-director-performer Laurie Anderson's artistic response to the death of her beloved rat terrier.
Teen romance in the Fifties, as revealed through movie and TV clips, newsreels, sex-education films, and present-day interviews. Many of the interviewees (very hip, in sharp contrast to the square archive footage) are too young to have done much dating and mating in the Fifties, so maybe the topic is …
To her already multi-media stage show, Laurie Anderson has added some movie cameras out front, to record it for posterity -- it and her white shoes and dimples and all the rest. But the mere servant status accorded the cameras ensures that the cinema will be low medium on the …
Spalding Gray, a performance artist with the delivery of a highly skilled snake-oil salesman, sits at a small wooden table, with microphone, notebook, and glass of water, and a couple of roll-down maps within arm's reach, and a cloudscape projected intermittently on a screen in the rear. And for an …